Thursday, November 18, 2010

A Little Light Reading

You may recall, in my last post I mentioned that the respondent entered a book entitled "Just-Us or Justice? Is Racism Dead In America? Hell NO!" into the record. In its entirety. At the end of the trial, I thought this gem was gone forever, relegated to some manila envelope of evidence somewhere. You can imagine my surprise when it showed up in one of the back rooms today.

There was no choice. I had to read it.

The book is a rambling account of the author's travels between several major cities, and the various people and organizations that are out to get him. Almost everyone he encounters, it turns out, is out to get him - police, lawyers, judges, congresspeople, very small rocks, rich people, every landlord he's ever had, social workers, etc. His twin brother "Nadun Chider" features prominently. The author is particularly preoccupied with the fear that wealthy people will force him to sign up to be an organ donor or will just kill him and take his organs for themselves.

His juicy, delicious organs. Pardon my drooling.

He also recounts his various theological debates with the church-run charities that he receives food and clothing from. He keeps telling them about Yah Wah, creator of life, space, TIME, etc. But they just aren't listening. And at the end of the book there are several photos of apartments he lived in. For some reason.

I'm gonna give this one a B+ for actually being more entertaining than most fiction on the market these days. And, of course, it's not fiction. It's all true. Which makes it even better.

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